Our Services

Advocacy services in Staffordshire


Advocacy Services

Advocacy is when one person helps another person to have their views, opinions and concerns heard by others.

Advocacy is for people who can find it difficult to get their opinions about themselves and their service listened to. This may be because they have not been listened to in the past or they do not feel confident to speak up and ask questions.

Advocacy supports people to think about options so that people can make their own choices about what they want.

Advocacy can make a difference to a person’s life by supporting the person to be involved in decisions about their life. Working with an advocate can also help the person to become more confident.

Advocacy can help other services to understand what people want and need.

Care Act

The Care Act 2014 came into effect on 1st April 2015. The Act introduces principles of wellbeing and prevention and the recognition that an individual, their family and/or car...

DoLS & Paid Representation

If the Managing authority (care home or hospital) feel they may be depriving someone of their liberty they have a duty to contact the Supervisory Boby to request a Deprivation...

Independent Mental Capacity Advocacy (IMCA)

Asist are the provider of IMCA services across Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent. IMCA’s support people when they are assessed to lack capacity to make a best interest decision...

Independent Mental Health Advocacy (IMHA)

An IMHA supports people with issues relating to their mental health care and treatment. They also help people understand their rights under the Mental Health Act (MHA). Eli...

NHS Complaints

Do you live in Stoke on Trent or Staffordshire and wish to make a complaint about an NHS service that you, or someone you know, have received, but not sure where to start? ...