Do you live in Stoke on Trent or Staffordshire and wish to make a complaint about an NHS service that you, or someone you know, have received, but not sure where to start?
This is a free, confidential, independent service that can help you to raise your concerns and make a complaint about a National Health Service, such as a doctor, dentist or hospital. By raising your concerns, it can help to put things right and the NHS can learn from your experience. This could be through an explanation, an apology or information about how the NHS has used your experience to improve their services or care.
An NHS Complaints Advocate can help you with a complaint about NHS treatment and care that is provided or funded by the NHS.
Our advocates will:
- take time to understand your situation
- help you decide what you want to achieve by making a complaint
- help you understand the complaints’ process
- explore your options at every stage of the complaint
- help you decide what you want to do and how you want to do it
- act on your direction if you don’t feel able to take action yourself
- help you write letters to the right people
- go with you to a Local Resolution Meeting with medical professionals.
Our advocates won’t:
- investigate your complaint
- make any decisions for or about you
- tell you what to do or give advice.
Our advocacy services are independent from the NHS.
Please note we are unable to help with:
- taking legal action
- NHS employee disciplinary procedures
- complaints about private health services.
Summary –
Living in Stoke-on-Trent or Staffordshire and need help with an NHS complaint? This free, confidential service assists in raising concerns and improving NHS services through explanations, apologies, or care improvements.